#Christian Oster
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thatswhywelovegermany · 9 months ago
The Easter Bunny / Easter Hare
In German Easter tradition, the Easter Bunny is an imaginary rabbit or hare who paints eggs at Easter and hides them in the garden. Children search for Easter eggs on the morning of Easter Sunday. The motif of the Easter Bunny has recently spread in the popular culture of Easter, also through its commercial use, and has largely replaced earlier bringers of the Easter egg.
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As far as is known, the Easter Bunny was first mentioned in the dissertation of the Frankfurt doctor Johannes Richier, who received his doctorate in 1682 under the respected Heidelberg professor of medicine Georg Franck von Franckenau with his treatise "De ovis paschalibus - von Oster-Eyern". The son of the pastor Jean Richier, who had fled France for religious reasons, describes a custom in Upper Germany, the Palatinate, Alsace and neighbouring regions, as well as Westphalia, according to which an Easter Bunny lays the eggs (ova excludere) and hides them in gardens in the grass, bushes, etc., where they are eagerly searched for by children amid laughter and to the amusement of the adults (cum risu et iucunditate seniorum). He calls the Easter Bunny hiding the eggs “a fable that is told to simpletons and children” (fabula, que simplicioribus et infantibus imponunt).
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According to cultural studies, the reason for the strong upswing that belief in the Easter Bunny experienced in the 19th century can be found in the industrial production of cheap beet sugar, which made the production of affordable chocolate bunnies and eggs possible in the first place.
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The connection between the Christian Easter festival and the egg as a symbol has been known in various European countries since the Middle Ages at the latest, and may even date back to earlier. There is also an older interpretation of the rabbit as a symbol of resurrection since Ambrose. The diverse Christian symbolism of the rabbit found expression in many works of art in the Middle Ages, see Rabbit in art. The connection between the rabbit and the Easter egg tradition is still unclear, however, even if the fertility of rabbits in itself has a close connection to spring. The following hypotheses are often put forward:
Some early painted Easter eggs show the three-hare image, a depiction of three hares with only three ears in total, but each hare having two ears due to the "double use" of ears; this is a well-known symbol for the Holy Trinity. It is possible that this depiction may have given rise to the idea of ​​the hare as an egg supplier.
In one passage in the Bible, Psalm 104:18, older translations speak of "hares". The reason for this was the Latin translation of Proverbs 30:26, in which Jerome translated the Hebrew "schafan" (rock hyrax) as "lepusculus" (hare). Since late antiquity, this passage has been interpreted as a symbol for the weak human (hare) who seeks refuge in the rock (Christ). This interpretation established the symbolism of the hare in Christian iconography.
It is widely considered harmless to tell young children that the Easter Bunny brings eggs and sweets for Easter. Psychologists believe that this illusion stimulates the imagination and supports cognitive development. However, children's critical questions and doubts should be supported so that their belief in the Bunny eventually disappears by itself, also through interaction with other children.
The Easter Bunny was spread outside of Europe by German-speaking emigrants. It has gained a certain popularity in the USA in particular. In English, the term "Easter Bunny" predominates over the literal translation "Easter Hare", so the figure is often understood to be a rabbit.
In Australia, the "Easter Bilby" has been placed alongside the "Easter Bunny" since the 1970s. The aim is to draw attention to the endangered species of the greater burrowing bandicoot ("Bilby"), not least due to the spread of European rabbits, and to raise money for a conservation fund by selling chocolate bilbies.
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desviesennoiretblanc · 24 hours ago
Quelques phrases lues en 2024
En 2019, six Martine ont été engendrées par six familles courageusement rebelles aux appellations du jour.
Je ne vais faire que ça désormais : chercher partout des yeux qui me cherchaient partout.
À l'Ă©poque oĂč je ne la connaissais pas, j'attendais dĂ©jĂ  Anne Lebedele.
J'aime les lieux délabrés, j'en habite un.
[...] on disait chochotte quand j'étais petite pour les enfants délicats qui faisaient toujours des maniÚres ou des histoires, et ça n'était pas un compliment, surtout pour les garçons.
Elle en Ă©tait convaincue : si les hommes Ă©taient capables d'Ă©changer avec la mĂȘme profondeur que les arbres, ils cesseraient de s'entre-tuer.
Chaque appartement qui se respecte, selon vous, devrait avoir, en vis-Ă -vis, un hĂŽtel confortable.
Chaque soir nous jouions Ă  ne pas mourir.
Les langues de vieux ne parlent que le patois et n'ont embrassé qu'une seule bouche.
Il y a cent mille espÚces d'amour, inventées séparément, toujours plus ingénieuses, et chacune d'entre elles engendre des choses nouvelles.
À ceux qui l'Ă©coutaient, il parlait des nuages et des larmes, de ces mondes lointains, de toutes ces choses de la terre et du ciel que ne savent que les enfants et les fous.
Il neigeait un tout petit peu, dehors, tellement peu que si je l'avais voulu, simplement pour m'amuser, je crois que j'aurais pu Ă©viter les rares flocons qui tombaient et, le nez en l'air, en zigzaguant sur le trottoir, parvenir ainsi jusqu'au bout de la rue, sans qu'aucun m'ait atteint.
À quand remontait la derniĂšre fois que les habitants de cette impasse avaient vu passer sous leurs fenĂȘtres une Renault immatriculĂ©e dans les Bouches-du-RhĂŽne ?
Face à face, chacune clouée sur son mur, une publicité pour Pepsi et l'autre pour Coca qui se regardent en chiens de faïence.
Il y a toutes sortes de gens dans le monde.
Les mensonges, c'est comme les os de poulet. Ils se coincent dans mon gosier et je les recrache.
J'aimais les insultes qui fusaient au bord des terrains de foot.
Parfois chez moi, quand il n'y a que les murs, je touche les murs qui me touchent en retour, est-ce que c'est faire le mur ?
Je refusais de cauchemarder de nouveau Ă  cause d'une image.
MĂ©lanie Martin Ă©tait cĂ©lĂšbre dans le pays pour avoir vu, en chair et en os, Ă  l'occasion d'un baptĂȘme, LĂ©on Zitrone.
Combien de fois dans ma vie ai-je prononcé la phrase suivante : « J'étais au collÚge à Sancerre » ? Et pour cause : j'étais au collÚge à Sancerre.
Il Ă©clusa son whisky et, au lieu d'en commander un autre, opta pour une vodka comme s'il Ă©tait facile de passer des États-Unis Ă  la Russie.
Un clair de lune est-il rien d'autre, au fond, que quelque chose de quotidien, offert au mendiant comme au prince ?
C'est bien compliqué, la vie d'écrivain mais moins que la vie de non-écrivain.
Une annĂ©e de lecture passĂ©e notamment en compagnie de Jean-Pierre Martin, CĂ©dric Sapin-Dufour, Christian Oster, Olivier Rolin, Marie-HĂ©lĂšne Lafon, Marie Charel, Eric Faye, Camille Laurens, Marion Fayolle, Richard Powers, Étienne Kern, JoĂ«l Egloff, Sylvain Prudhomme, RĂ©gis Jauffret, Philippe Jaenada, Paul Auster, Antoine Wauters, Julie Marx, Yannick Haenel, Paul Fournel, Tanguy Viel, Enrique Vila-Matas, Robert Walser et Mathieu Lindon.
Bonne fĂȘtes de fin d'annĂ©e Ă  toutes et Ă  tous 🎅
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rayrex0fartemis · 2 years ago
Artemis Quick Facts
Some of my notes from the books and papers I've read about Artemis.
In the 2nd century at the capital of the Roman province of Asia, Ephesus, Artemis was publicly declared to be "forever the greatest of all the gods".
Her name's etymology is unknown, likely pre-Greek. Her name was popularly believed to mean "healthy", meaning she makes people feel safe and healthy.
Artemis was extremely popular goddess, one of the most popular Greco-Roman gods.
Pausanias notes: "But all cities worship Artemis of Ephesus, and individuals hold her in honor above all the gods
" (4.31.8)
Dr. Rietveld described Artemis Ephesia as an "universal goddess".
Artemis subsumed and was amalgamated with many goddesses, including Kybele, Hekate, and Isis.
She was widely seen as a compassionate and loving god, as she’s always willing to listen and respond to the needs of her people.
She was popularly seen as a goddess of protection and life.
She was famous throughout the Roman Empire for her vivid manifestations, in real life and in dreams.
Hence many sanctuaries, shrines, altars, and temples were built in her honor.
From countless thanksgiving writings she was called "Our Lady".
Her sanctuaries and temples were typically asylum sites.
She's the only Greco-Roman god with the Zodiac on her cult image.
Hence as "Queen of the Cosmos" she has transcendent powers over the cosmos, and Fate.
As Mistress Salvation, Artemis can save her people from their unfortunate fate. It's possible that through the mysteries she can give people a blessed afterlife.
The relationship between Artemis and her worshippers was a divinely directed covenant relationship, born out of genuine affection towards Artemis.
Popularly Called: Queen of the Cosmos, Heavenly Queen, Savior, Our Lady, Mistress Salvation, and Fate Goddess.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this and learned something new about Artemis.
James Rietveld’s “Artemis of the Ephesians”
Mary Gabrielle Galvin "BIOÎŁ ~ APTEMIÎŁ"
Richard Oster’s “The Ephesian Artemis as an Opponent of Early Christianity”
Margaret C. Mowczko’s “The Regalia of Artemis”
Paschidis' "Artemis Ephesia and Herakles"
Chaniotis' "Megatheism"
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nils-elmark · 5 months ago
Tiden lever i bedste velgÄende pÄ Ertholmene
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Ertholmene er Danmark uden for kategori. Det er en hÄndfuld smÄ klippeÞer og skÊr, som ikke ligner noget andet, man ser andre steder i landet. Det er vor eneste skÊrgÄrd. Yderst er ØsterskÊr - Oster SkiÊr - som er landets Þstligste punkt, hvor solen stÄr op 28 minutter fÞr, der gÞr i BlÄvand.
NÄr man gÄr i land fra fÊrgen fra Gudhjem, trÊder man lige ind i Danmarkshistorien. I 1684 besluttede Christian den 5. at der skulle etableres et fÊstningsanlÊg, som skulle holde svenskerne i skak - det gav automatisk navnet til den stÞrste af Þerne. Hans sÞn, besluttede at udbygge fÊstningen pÄ naboÞen - sÄ fik den navnet FrederiksÞ.
De to Ăžer er forbundet en bro og har begge nogle imponerende fĂŠstningsanlĂŠg med metertykke skanser bygget af tilhuggede granitsten. Det har vĂŠret et gigantisk projekt, som har kostet liv og helbred for de straffefanger, som blev sat til at bygge dem.
Øerne administreres af Forsvarsministeriet og militÊret har sat sit spor pÄ Þen. Den er reelt en kasserne og de gule huse omkring den eneste gade - Gaden - ligner husene i Nyboder og naturen er uberÞrt af menneskehÄnd. Vi skulle overlade genopretningen af vor natur og kultur til Forsvaret. De sÊtter pris pÄ landets historie og lader naturen passe sig selv. Noget af Danmarks mest frodige natur er de militÊre ÞvelsesterrÊner. PÄ Ertsholmene er ogsÄ en koloni af sÊler, som vi i Þvrigt ikke sÄ noget til.
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Vi stopper op foran en sten i en af de eventyrlige bastioner - der er mejslet en tekst ind i stenen; budskabet er mere holdbart end en blogupdate men svĂŠrere at lĂŠse:
»Igiennem Guds hjelperige Haand er dette arbejde kommen udi Stand Wed Hr. Capt. Mathias Wihelm Tax. Lieut. Tyge Fredrik Stibolt. Lieut. Gregorius HÞjborne Sehested. Lieut. Christian West. Werckpase Herman Bahne WolfzÊhn, Skipper Peder Larsen. Bornholm anno MDCCXXXV.«
Teksten er altsÄ fra 1735 og refererer til restaurerings - og udbygningsarbejde, som blev foretaget under Frederik den 5. Hvem der end fik det skrevet, turde ikke at tage hele Êren; noget gik til Gud og noget til skipperen, som sejlede dem frem og tilbage til Þerne.
Lidt sjovt, kaptajn Mathias Wihelm Tax, der havde det overordnede ansvar for byggearbejdet, var blevet hentet fra HelsingÞr, hvor han arbejdede med at skabe Kronborgs skanser ud mod Øresund. Og nÄr jeg sammenligner, de store kampestens-konstruktioner i HelsingÞr, hvor jeg har gÄet tusindvis af gange, kan jeg se, at det er samme mand, som har vÊret pÄ spil.
Ofte skriver folk, at tiden stÄr stille, nÄr man kommer til ChristiansÞ og FrederiksÞ - men det er helt forkert. Fordi man ikke har bygget pÄ Þen i Ärhundreder, er det ikke det samme som, at tiden stÄr stille. TvÊrtimod. NÄr man tager til Ertsholmene, bringer man sin egen tid med over til Þerne, hvor den bliver sat i et 250 Ärigt perspektiv; ja mere end det, klipperne er skuret glatte af den seneste istid for 18.000 Är siden; hold det op mod den nuvÊrende klimakrise, har du Êgte tid i bevÊgelse.
NÊh, tiden pÄ Ertsholmene har det strÄlende, og som der stÄr pÄ servietten fra ChristiansÞ GÊstgiveri, hvor vi spiser Ruth's lokale sild: "Vi er ikke isolerede. Vi lever en pragtfuld tilvÊrelse, som du godt kan misunde os"
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lyndsyslnmrrsn · 1 year ago
Books I Read in 2023.
Spare by Prince Harry (audiobook)
The Nineties: A Book by Chuck Klosterman
How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns (audiobook)
The Stranger Beside Me: The Shocking Inside Story of Serial Killer Ted Bundy by Ann Rule (audiobook)
A Promised Land by Barack Obama
Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer (audiobook)
Witchcraft in Colonial Virginia by Carson O. Hudson, Jr.
Atomic Habits by James Clear (audiobook)
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach (audiobook)
Testimony: Inside the Evangelical Movement that Failed a Generation by Jon Ward (audiobook)
Trailed: One Woman’s Quest to Solve the Shenandoah Murders by Kathryn Miles (audiobook)
The Cold Vanish: Seeking the Missing in North America’s Wildlands by Jon Bellman (audiobook)
Our First Civil War: Patriots and Loyalists in the American Revolution by H.W. Brands
What the Dead Know: Learning About Life as a New York City Death Investigator by Barbara Butcher (audiobook)
Is It Hot In Here?: Or Am I Suffering for All Eternity for the Sins I Committed On Earth? by Zach Zimmerman
Trail of the Lost: The Relentless Search to Bring Home the Missing Hikers of the Pacific Crest Trail by Andrea Lankford (audiobook)
American Idolatry: How Christian Nationalism Betrays the Gospel and Threatens the Church by Andrew L. Whitehead
Lay Them to Rest: On the Road with the Cold Case Investigators Who Identify the Nameless by Laurah Norton (audiobook)
Green River, Running Red: The Real Story of the Green River Killer - America's Deadliest Serial Murderer by Ann Rule (audiobook)
Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong - and What You Really Need to Know by Emily Oster
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nothingbuttrashhere · 2 months ago
This may be about Judaism, but I would challenge every Evangelical and Christian person on this website to interrogate their communities and how much support they’re giving the genocide in Palestine and ask themselves that same damn question.
If you, as an adherent of your religion, honestly believe that it compells you to support genocide, the wanton massacre of civilians, or other clearly evil acts, then you should get a new religion.
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dealgemeneverwarring · 2 years ago
De Algemene Verwarring #86 - 13 February 2023
The eighty-sixth episode of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday February 13, 2023, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is Christophe ClĂ©bard, synth punk nudist, enfant terrible, Brussels-based Italian, dancer, performer, singer. He’s been on the decks already a few times at De Algemene Verwarring, and it all started with his explosive performance at the Knotwilg festival 2019. He has recently released a new album, I will be playing a track from that one next time because it had just arrived at time of episode 86 and I hadn’t heard it yet. So I’m playing a track from his previous album “Honte”. Christophe ClĂ©bard is playing on February 24 at our first De Algemene Verwarring event that we are hosting at The Pit’s here in Kortrijk. Ignatz & De Stervende Honden will also play and I will be deejaying some records for you to dance to, that is, if I don’t suffer too much from recent back pain that is seriously killing me right now. So, I hope to see all of you there. Anyway, more music in this episode comes from Nubs, The Hunches, The Christian Family, Utopie, Plus Instruments, ThĂ©orĂšme, Islaja, Sage Alyte and more. And beneath the photo you can find the playlist for this show. Enjoy!
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Nubs: Job (7” “Job/Banana”, reissue in Munster Records, 2021, originally released in 1980 on Businessmen Records)
The Hunches: Ate My Teeth (LP “Exit Dreams” on In The Red Records, 2009)
The Christian Family: Who’s Gonna Catch Me (LP “The Raw And Primitive Sound Of The Christian Family” on Voodoo Rhythm Records, 2022)
The Wrong Society: I Really Don’t Care (7” Tell Me You’ll Be Mine” on Market Square Records, 2018)
Vintage Crop: The Duke (LP “Kibitzer” on Upset The Rhythm, 2022)
HĂŒsker DĂŒ: Hardly Getting Over It (CD “Candy Apple Grey” on Warner Bros, 1987)
Tramhaus: Make It Happen (12” “Rotterdam” on Subroutine Records, 2022)
Utopie: Mauvais Sort (EP “Seconde Figure” on Lada, Dans Le Vide, Don’t Trust The Hype, Les Choeurs De l’Ennui & Symphony Of Destruction, 2022)
Echo & The Bunnymen: Heads Will Roll (LP “Porcupine” on Korova, 1983)
Plus Instruments: Things (LP “Februari - April ’81” reissue on Domani Sounds, 2022, originally released in 1981 on Kremlin Records)
ThĂ©orĂšme: L’Enfer DĂ©finitif (LP “Les Artisans” on Maple Death Records, 2021)
Christophe ClĂ©bard: Les Yeux Noirs (LP “Honte” on Les Albums Claus & Knotwilg Records, 2019)
Ignatz: Rebound From The Cliff (CD “Ignatz” on Kraak Records, 2005)
Organ Of Corti: Malleus (7” “Incus/ Malleus” on Dead Mind Records, 2022)
Islaja: Sata Naakkaa Sitten (CD “Meritie” on Fonal Records, 2004)
Astrid Oster Mortensen: Kunne Vi VĂŠre Lidt Mindre SkrĂžbelige (LP “SkĂŠrgĂ„rdslyd” on Discreet Music, 2022)
Sage Alyte: Effigie de personne, Figure de dragon (LP “Paume de pierre” on Vlek, 2021)
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professeur-stump · 7 years ago
Recherches de bases
845.  Le chevalier qui cherchait ses chaussettes, Christian Oster (Christian Oster, Pascal Lemaßtre, Le chevalier qui cherchait ses chaussettes) (L'école des loisirs, 2007)
846.  Promenade avec un lapin, Christian Oster, Frédéric Stehr (Christian Oster, Frédéric Stehr, Promenade avec un lapin) (L'école des loisirs, 2010)
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murs · 8 years ago
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magica-pseudoacademica · 7 years ago
Interpreted as the cause of the fall of humanity from a state of perfection, as the temptress, as the impetus for the loss of paradise, as evil incarnate, Eve serves as the defining figure for all women in Christian history, replaced only in part by another oppressive female figure, the Virgin Mary. The Gnostic Eve, on the other hand, exists as the primary and first instructor, she appears as luminous, and gives the gift of light to humanity. No longer an embodied creature to be loathed and feared, woman carries the light of salvation within herself.
Laura Hobgood-Oster, “Another Eve: A Case Study in the Earliest Manifestations of Christian Esotericism” (1999) in Esoterica 1:48-60.
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modernwitnesses · 5 years ago
Seven Days of Gratitude: Day 7
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By: Gabriela Yareliz Gonzalez, Editor of Modern Witnesses
Hi friends,
It’s our last theme day of gratitude for 2019. I pray this has been inspiring for you, and that you have shared in this experience with us. It has been such a fun community experience both here and on Instagram, where so many of you have shared. I am so moved that you would do this with

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husk-ephemera · 7 years ago
~SLIDES~ One of the best feelings in skating is existing on the knife edge between control, and lack of it. It's also where style manifests most truly as well.
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les-portes-du-sud · 3 years ago
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Puis je l'ai regardĂ©e encore et j'ai vu au sens de voir que c'Ă©tait une femme de mon Ăąge. Ça me changeait. Elle portait une fatigue intĂ©ressante sur le visage. J'aime bien la fatigue chez les femmes. Je l'ai trouvĂ©e intĂ©ressante et grave.
Christian Oster
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juicemagazine · 3 years ago
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JUICE MAG #78 features Tom Groholski on the cover, photo by Henry Ford, and features interviews with: Lizzie Armanto, Greyson Fletcher, AJ Nelson, Pedro Delfino, Elijah Berle, Andy Anderson, Chris Pastras, Patrick Truitt, Penelope Houston, Dave Alvin and Full Circle Full Pipe Skateboarding Photos of Grant Taylor, Kevin Kowalski, Cody Lockwood, Ronnie Sandoval, John “Tex” Gibson, Craig Johnson, Dan Wilkes, Geoff Rowley, Noa Marchetti, Giuseppe “Gipsy” Taccori, Paolo Tufoni, Daan Van Der Linden, Madars Apse, Melvin Abdou Salam, Phil Zwijsen, Crazy Kyle, Curren Caples, Daewon Song, Josh Borden, Christian Hosoi, Jamie Quaintance, Rick Charnoski, Mickey O’Keefe, Jesse Martinez, Josh Landau, Bennett Harada, Paul “Dicky” Davis, Ale Cesana, Adam Hopkins, Mark “Trawler” Lawer, Sam Stuart, Sam Partaix, Chris Cab, Simon Sac Reynolds, Axel “Pudi” Gorger, Youness Amrani, David Pang, Max Barrera, Dan Luciani, Allen Guimond, George Wilson, Steve Olson, Scott Oster, Kenny King, Rick Blackhart, Mike Folmer, Tim Galvin, Keith Stephenson, David Hackett, Jay Adams, Steve Pingleton, John Pingleton, Ron Theobald, Laura Thornhill, Mike Muir, Larry Mead, Jerry Valdez, Steve Alba, John Worthington, Steve Brockway, Rick Riffle, Joey Vela, Pat Black, Scott Hostert, Barry Roach, Indy Alba, Nic Rivera, Mario Thornton, Khidhar Geban, Alex Asher, Caleb Nicholls, Jay Vasconcellos, Henrique Imperiano, Alexandre Dota, Ryan Faust, Marco Morelli, Joel Webb, Pierre Jambe, Bruno, Jeremy Butterworth, Blake Convey, Barry Strachan, Johnno Hardy, Chany Lagueux, Frederique Luyet, Dan Brueton, Jean Terrisse, Kid Caviar, Tye Donnelly, Freddie De Sota, Rob Maushund, Klara Kemoade, Pat Bareis, Bill Billing, Aaron Astorga, Arab Groff, Dan McCabe, Angel Guedez, Chris Jatoft, BJ Morrill, Ryan Schmalz, Timmo Jak, Bryan Pennington, Dave Warne, Elle Warne, Cole Graves, Ollie Graves, Tristan Graves, Spencer Graves, Shane Carrick, Hugo Liard, Luke Macfee, Justin Stevenson, Chris Freeman, Jason Park, Kenny Mollica, Kelly Lynn, Ed Peck, Shawn Coffman, Nate Perkins, Frank Richardson, Phoebe Bostwick and Curtis Hsiang. #skate @juicemagazine 🙏 https://www.instagram.com/juicemagazine/p/CYg9VOOll5a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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americangodstalk · 4 years ago
How do you think Easter and Media met? (Tv show or book). Like, how do you think Media approached her with the offer?
Well in the book they never met so that’s solved Xp
For the television show... Well I guess Easter probably met with Media around the time the United-States declared Easter a federal and/or state holiday. 
Another element to be considered is maybe when the Easter Parades became more prevalent and prominent (they are really something extremely American). It was resisted by traditionalist despite its religious undertones (because it was deemed not Christian enough). From my sources, the parades really began to be accepted and to become a huge fashion show in the 1880s - becoming an official part of some town calendars (like New York) in 1890s. 
Media said “we practically invented brunch”, and brunch was popularized in the United-States in the 1930s. Also, Media’s character for Easter is based on the 1948 Easter Parade movie - since the deal between Easter and Media was about popularizing her holiday, we should also take a look at what major media covered the celebration. Before these movies you had “Easter Yeggs” in 1947, “The Egg Cracker Suit” of 1943, “Funny Little Bunnies” of 1934. 
A third element to be taken into account is when exactly Ostara came to the United-States... it is quite important to look here at the origin of the Easter Bunny figure (since the Easter Bunny is actually her, or rather her sacred animal). This idea actually appeared in the 18th century, as an “egg-giving hare”, it was brought by the German Protestants (Pennsylvania Dutch) and named “Osterhase” (literaly the Hare of Oster/Ostara/Eostre). 
All that being said, I have to admit I do not know enough the story of Easter in the United-States to give you some precise pin-point. But if you can identify when Easter became popularized as a non-Christian holiday, or rather when the non-Christian elements of the celebration started to become very popular, as well as when exactly Easter became prevalent in media, then you get the date of their meeting and deal. 
But how did they met? Mystery. I guess Media went to Easter - it seems the New Gods all went to the Old Ones they chose to offer them deals. We saw TB went to see Bilquis. Vulcan and Argus also speak as if they were offered their deals. 
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girlactionfigure · 5 years ago
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Resisting Hitler from Within
He planted a bomb on the Fuhrer's plane
Hans Dohnanyi was a German attorney and resistance fighter who saved Jews and plotted to assassinate Hitler while working as a high-level advisor in the Nazi regime’s Ministry of Justice.
Hans was born in Vienna in 1902 to Hungarian immigrants who were well-known musicians: his father was a composer and his mother was a concert pianist. Hans grew up in Berlin after his parents’ divorce and went to school with the Bonhoeffer brothers, Dietrich and Klaus, members of a prominent family of intellectuals and Christian theologians. Hans and the Bonhoeffers became close, lifelong friends. Hans studied law in Berlin from 1920 to 1924, and after graduating he passed the bar exam and started working as a lawyer at the Hamburg Senate. He married Christel Bonhoeffer, his friends’ sister, in 1925.
Hans became a prosecutor at the Reich Ministry of Justice in 1929, and within a few years was promoted to high-level government advisor. After Hitler came into power in the early 1930’s, Hans continued working in government, becoming advisor to Hitler’s Minister of Justice, Frank Gurtner. In this role, Hans had high-level security clearance, and interacted with top Nazis including Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and Goring.
The year 1934 was a turning point for Hans. The “Night of the Long Knives” was a bloody purge of Nazi officials believed to threaten Hitler’s power. Eighty-five people are known to have been murdered on Hitler’s orders, and historians estimate the death toll was much higher. More than a thousand perceived political opponents were arrested and many disappeared. The murders were committed extrajudicially, without trial or sentence. At this point, Hans’ eyes were opened to the dangerous immorality of the Nazi regime, and he refused to stand idly by. Hans’ first act of resistance was openly opposing Nazi racial policies, which led Martin Bormann, Hitler’s private secretary and right-hand man, to demote him to a position with less prestige and access to sensitive information.
Hans continued working for the Nazi regime so that he could compile evidence of their egregious human rights abuses. Meanwhile, he connected with other important government and military officials who also opposed Hitler, such as Hans Oster, a general in the Wehrmacht (German army) who was the head of counterintelligence.
In 1942, Hans Dohnanyi arranged for two Jewish lawyers from Berlin, Friedrich Arnold and Julius Fliess, to flee Germany and find safety in Switzerland. Hans forged documents and called in favors from his contacts within Hitler’s own government to save the lives of Arnold, Fliess, and their extended families – thirteen people in total. Hans traveled to Switzerland to make sure the Jewish families were allowed in, and he also provided them with money to support themselves.
Meanwhile, a coup was brewing against Hitler, organized by German army officer Henning von Tresckow. Hans joined those plotting Hitler’s assassination, and he played a crucial role in the scheme. In February 1943, Hans planted a bomb aboard Hitler’s plane while the Fuhrer was visiting the Russian front. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons the bomb failed to go off. The Gestapo never suspected Hans of being involved in the assassination plot, but they were suspicious of his activities and thought he might be helping Jews. On April 5, 1943, Hans Dohnanyi was arrested by the Gestapo on charges of foreign currency violations for transferring funds from Germany to a Swiss bank to help the Jews he’d saved.
The judge, Karl Sack, was a member of the anti-Nazi resistance himself, and he repeatedly delayed Hans’ trial to buy some time. However, in 1944 Hans was sent to Sachsenhausen, a concentration camp for political prisoners. While he was there, the Gestapo discovered that he’d been involved in another failed plot to assassinate Hitler, the 20 July Plot. They found some documents implicating Hans, and accused him of being the “spiritual head of the conspiracy.”
Hans was tried before a kangaroo court, and on Hitler’s direct orders he was sentenced to death. On April 8, 1945, Hans Dohnanyi was strangled with a piece of piano wire. His longtime friends, Dietrich and Klaus Bonhoeffer, were also executed that day for their involvement in the assassination plot. Exactly one month later, Germany surrendered and the war in Europe came to an end.
In 2003, Israeli Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem honored Hans Dohnanyi as Righteous Among the Nations for saving the Arnold and Fliess families, at great risk to his own life.
For rescuing thirteen Jews from certain death, and for his involvement in two plots to assassinate Hitler which led to his own execution, we honor Hans Dohnanyi as this week’s Thursday Hero.
Accidental Talmudist
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